Surveys & QuestionnairesSurveys and questionnaires completed by the candidate available as PDF files.
Equal Marriage RightsWe must never back down in the defense of essential civil, human and religious rights.
Fair TaxesYou have paid far more than your fair share for years, for no good reason at all. The state can provide tax relief for nearly 80% of its population and still raise revenue by more than 15% to provide for health and human services, our schools, and our cities and towns.
Quality Affordable Health Care for AllI support a single-payer health plan, higher staffing ratio requirements, and an affordable health care Constitutional amendment. I deplore so-called "impact" studies for public health agencies. Health care's a basic human right.
Sustainable DevelopmentCommunity directed, community rooted, community fostered and community driven land use and planning policies remain the very best and most sustainable methods for handling land-use issues. Community members themselves should control their community's direction in growth.
Housing NeedsThe right to housing is an inalienable human right as recognized by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The time is now for the Commonwealth to finally meet its moral obligations.
Disability Rights and AccessFar too many people with disabilities in this state who, with but a modicum of assistance regarding adaptive equipment and community based care services, could easily become integrated and active within our communities are compelled to live their lives in virtual prisons and leave loved ones, friends and their chosen communities behind.
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